Monday, October 6, 2008

**Blue Group English Assignment**

Respond to BOTH of the following prompts about "The Things They Carried":

1.) In the story titled, "Enemies" Dave Jensen breaks his own nose after breaking Lee Strunk's. What was he scared of, and do you think his fear was justified? How do you think Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen's relationship will change as a result?

2.) Based on what we've read so far in The Things They Carried, what effect do experiences in war have on otherwise young, just out of high school, men? Do the experiences make a person "grow up", or do they make men act like children? Explain why you think what you think, and use examples from the story to support your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

He was scard because they were in vietnam and he thought Lee Strunk was going to shoot him in his head. Yes, i think his feeling are justifeied if i fight someone and they had a gun right after i would be shok up also. the squared thing up that night

Anonymous said...

being in war is brazy eather way old or young the fact of knowing that you are possibbly walkin tword your own death and at that time u might have not of volentared for it but some did to change their life and where it was going but others are there ny force.

Anonymous said...


#1.he whas scared of him because he took the jackknife,so he should be scared.thay will not trust echouther no more.

#2.i think war is crazy all around cuz its like u go over there 2 die or come home but most likey 2 die which is mest up.i think kids my age should be afrade of the war because its not something to look at as good.

Anonymous said...

because he was scared in the vietnam he thought lee was gona shoot him in his head. I would feel justfied I would not be scared.I would think that they would be even now.

Anonymous said...


I think war would force these boys in to manhood. Once you kill you'll be different from others who have killed anybody.